On the move

Its been too long! We left Mexico City a week ago tomorrow. Wednesday was filled with tearful goodbyes. We had a wonderful two years there and it was sad to leave.

We flew out to Dallas and I managed a couple of sketches – one of fellow travellers on the plane from Mexico City to Dallas/Fort Worth

and one of our plane before we embarked on the last leg to Denver.

From Denver we trekked up to the property up on the Wyoming border near Fort Collins. Incredibly peaceful and isolated and very beautiful.

The only thing missing was water! Still there were lots of trees, mainly pine but also wonderful whispering aspens in the breeze. Think we would have to plant some of those on our little piece of land if we decided to settle there.

We headed north and then skimmed the Wyoming border and into Nebraska and across the whole empty width of Nebraska. Lots of flat nothing!

Occaisional mesas and rocky outcroppings but nothing much else.

Near the Iowa border the trees started to multiply as we ran alongside the Platte river. Once into Iowa we turned south and headed down Missouri to Kansas City and Smithville.

Sketch of Jean’s Flower shop that Karen owns in this sleepy mid-western town. The countryside here is wonderful, gently rolling hills and pretty trees, oak, pine, aspens, willows and poplars. More peace and quiet – a great contrast to the hustle and bustle of Mexico City.

I’ve also managed to work on the class from WC using Derwent Drawing Pencils and here is my version of the image we were given to draw for the class. (Sorry lousy photo)

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